
If you are an Ethereum developer, you're also a Nahmii developer, as the tools used on Ethereum are supported on Nahmii; Remix, Web3js, OpenZeppelin, Hardhat, etc. Make the switch to Nahmii's RPC and get started.

Nahmii Test Network connects with Ethereum's Rospten Testnet, and all network-related details can be found here.

Setup Metamask Wallet

Deploy your contracts on Nahmii using

Setting up the development environment

Via Hardhat

There are a few requirements, please install the following to get started:

  1. Node.js v12+ LTS and npm

  2. Git

  • Install the NVM Hardhat plugin.

yarn add @nahmii/hardhat-nvm 
  • Edit hardhat.config.js to use the NVM package.

// hardhat.config.js

  • In the file, add nahmii to the list of networks. Note: Update the accounts fields to fit your personal setup.


module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.7.6",
  networks: {
    nahmii: {
      url: '',
      accounts: { mnemonic: 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk' },
      gasPrice: 15000000,
      nvm: true
  • To test contracts on the live Nahmii L2, compile it with HardHat.

npx hardhat --network nahmii test
  • To interact with the smart contracts manually, use the console. The JavaScript console can be run with the following command.

npx hardhat --network nahmii console
npx hardhat --network nahmii scripts/deploy.js

Via Remix

Remix is an online IDE to develop smart contracts


  1. In a new remix workspace, navigate to the PLUGIN MANAGER.

  2. Activate the OPTIMISM COMPILER.

  3. A new compiler tab will show up. Select a Solidity file to compile. Be sure to select the correct compiler version for your smart contract.

Running a Node

Last updated

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