Nahmii 2.0 L2 deposit example

The scripts in this example folder show how developers can interact with the Nahmii 2.0 L1 and L2. It shows how to get access to the AddressManager, retrieve addresses from some of our L1 deployed contracts and how to deposit Ethereum from L1 into L2.

How to run the project

  1. Open a command line terminal.

  2. Clone the repository.

  3. cd to the cloned project folder.

  4. Fetch and switch to the 'example' branch.

  5. cd to the example folder of your choice eg. cd l2-deposit-example.

  6. Run yarn or yarn install to install the dependencies.

  7. Update the .env file with a private key and verify the address of the address manager contract. The account whose address is provided should contain Ropsten Ether.

  8. Run yarn demo to execute the scripts to interact with the Nahmii L1 and L2.


These demo tests by default are connecting the live service instances of Nahmii 2.0. To run these tests against a local instance, please refer to the environment variables defined in the ./native-eth/utils.js file.

Last updated